An experimental group tests the limits of what improvised theatre can be. Can they find ... Improtopia?
From: Ōtepoti | Dunedin
Imagine a place ...
Where we can make it all up,
Where scripts write themselves,
Where truths emerge as if by magic,
Where the trivial becomes epic, and the mythical mundane.
Imagine ... an Improtopia.
After many years as a professional actor, drama teacher, and improvisor, Dan Allan is submerging himself in his craft by committing to an MFA on improvised theatre at Otago University. To do so, he has assembled a sparkling group of local improvisors who have signed up to learn and implement a completely new approach to performing spontaneously. Bravely stepping into the unknown, Improtopia will be the culmination of their work across 8 weeks. Anything could happen, and something must!
Be among the first witnesses to this type of show! All we need are a few starting ideas so that the action can unfold spontaneously before your very eyes. And because it's all an experiment, it's absolutely FREE!
Start your Fringe evening in the cosy confines of the University's Mary Hopewell Theatre at 6pm. The night will still be young when we finish and there'll be time to catch another Fringe show, or head out to dinner to discuss the wonders you've beheld in Improtopia.
If you choose to, show your appreciation in the form of a donation, and we will donate it to our partners at Dunedin Pride in honour of their great mahi during Pride Month.